
Project dashboards

Powerful visual data about your projects

An automated project dashboard with meaningful insights

Live data

View updates in real time, monitor key metrics and keep everything on track.

Total visibility

Easy-to-read charts update automatically for total project transparency.

Issue management

Spot issues before they become serious and make adjustments.

Works instantly

No complicated set up. Create a project, update tasks and it works at once.

Cost tracking

Compare your budget, planned costs and actual costs on one panel.

Workload analysis

See which team members have incomplete or overdue tasks.

Slippage reports

Understand if your project is ahead, behind or on schedule.

Print and share

Print the dashboard or share online. No more manual status updates.

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Get real-time dashboard tools

Our project dashboard feature provides you with real-time data and business intelligence from all your projects. Dashboard widgets let you monitor tasks, teams, costs, health and more.

Track all your tasks in one view

The project dashboard updates instantly when tasks, teams and projects make progress, so you always know if you’re on track. Say goodbye to complex spreadsheets and manual reporting.

View your team’s workload

Our dashboard’s workload widget gives you a window into each team member’s progress, so you can easily monitor how much work they have completed according to their schedule.

One view for your entire portfolio

With Overview Dashboards, you can group similar projects in your portfolio together to get a high-level view of them all in a single dashboard.

Dashboard tools for busy managers

Custom filters

Create filters for your dashboards to see what you need.

Program dashboards

Create program dashboards that collect specific projects.

Track all views

All views feed into the project dashboard.

Expandable tiles

Expand specific metrics to look closer at the data.


Print out hardcopies and distribute to stakeholders.

Custom colors

Choose the look that suits you and your analysis.

Instant set up

No set up required. Works immediately for your project.

Shareable dashboards

Share your dashboard with anyone on the team for alignment.

Key features of our project dashboards

Integrate with over 1,000 business & project management apps

Powerful for managers. Flexible for teams. Trusted by 35,000+ users worldwide.

“The reporting feature is outstanding – lets you personalize the reporting, and export it.”

“It has an excellent price if we think about all the functions that ProjectManager has.”

“I feel good about recommending ProjectManager because of the people you have in support”

Start your free 30-day trial

Deliver faster, collaborate better and innovate more effectively without the high price tag or months-long implementation required by other products.

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